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Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling
Wastetech 2011
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Biomass materials are used since millennia for meeting myriad human needs including energy. Main sources of biomass energy are trees, crops and animal waste. Until the middle of 19th century, biomass dominated the global energy supply with a seventy percent share (Grubler and Nakicenovic, 1988). Among the biomass energy sources, wood fuels are the most prominent. With rapid increase in fossil fuel use, the share of biomass in total energy declined steadily through substitution by coal in the nineteenth century and later by refined oil and gas during the twentieth century. Despite its declining share in energy, global consumption of wood energy has continued to grow. During 1974 to 1994, global wood consumption for energy grew annually by over 2 percent rate (Figure 1). Presently, the biomass sources contribute 14% of global energy and 38% of energy in developing countries (Woods and Hall, 1994). Globally, the energy content of biomass residues in agriculture based industries annually is estimated at 56 exajoules, nearly a quarter of global primary energy use of 230 exajoules (WEC, 1994).  


Technological advancement in biomass energy is derived from two spheres - biomass energy production practices and energy conversion technologies. A rich experience of managing commercial energy plantations in varied climatic conditions has emerged during the past two decades (Hall et al, 1993). Improvements in soil preparation, planting, cultivation methods, species matching, bio-genetics and pest, disease and fire control have led to enhanced yields. Development of improved harvesting and post harvesting technologies have also contributed to reduction in production cost of biomass energy. Technological advancements in biomass energy conversion comes from three sources - enhanced efficiency of biomass energy conversion technologies, improved fuel processing technologies and enhanced efficiency of end-use technologies. Versatility of modern biomass technologies to use variety of biomass feedstock has enhanced the supply potential. Small economic size and co-firing with other fuels has also opened up additional application. 

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biomass, bioenergy,


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