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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Wastetech 2011
Project Report - E waste Recycling

Chopper Pumps


Chopper Pump is a centrifugal pump with the unique ability of chopping all incoming solids prior to pumping. This not only protects the pump from clogging, but also provides added benefit to downstream components, processes, and the environment. 


All wear components are cast steel and heat treated for maximum impact and wear resistance. Combined together, these heavy duty patented components create the ultimate pump for handling severe solids. 


This same basic concept has been used in Vaughan's vertical wet well design for almost a half-century. Chopping is accomplished by the scissor action of the leading edges of the impeller vanes cutting against the opposing edges of the cutter bar. 


All solids are chopped as they enter between the cutter bar and the impeller vanes. The smaller solids are easily pumped by the centrifugal action of the impeller. 




  • RAW SEWAGE - Lift stations, CSO facilites, headworks , prisons, hospitals, restaurants
  • SCREENINGS / SEPTAGE - Raw concentrated solids including rags, plastics and hair.
  • CLARIFIER SCUM PITS - Primary or Secondary scum without plugging or air binding.
  • SLUDGE TRANSFER - Eliminates “roping” and clogging in clarifier underflow to thickeners
  • RAS / WAS - Continuously conditions Return and Waste Activated Sludges.
  • THICKENED SLUDGE / DIGESTED SLUDGE TRANSFER - Handles high sludge consistencies.
  • DIGESTER MIXING - Rotamix system conditions and mixes in a dual-zone rotational flow pattern.
  • DIGESTER RECIRCULATION - Eliminates heat exchanger clogging while conditioning sludge.

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Project Report - E waste Recycling