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Three classes of people prefer a life without a mobile phone - the holy, the mad, and the dead. For the rest, a mobile phone is as important as their left hand, if not the right. Just imagine the scenario of losing your mobile phone - it would be almost as bad as losing a near and dear one. With no contacts, music and sundry other applications on your fingertips, which make your day (and night) run smoothly, you would feel like the life size cutout of nihilism. Indeed, we are bound to the cell phone in today's world, whether for good or for bad. This has led to an explosion in the production of these phones, with daddy, mommy, and juniors holding one each, and sometimes even two. New models with cutting edge technology are pushing the boundaries further. Today, a mobile phone is not merely a device to make calls; it is an extension of one’s self and of one’s individuality. Therefore, we have the latest models for grabs and the outdated ones are being cast away. However, little do we realize the tremendous ecological hazard that we are unleashing in its wake. Like all electronic goods, mobile phones also contain harmful substances like cadmium, lead, beryllium, brominated flame retardants etc, which adversely affect not only the environment, but also the human health. So, rather than throwing away your old cell phone recycling becomes a better option. If you are ready to do the same, check out the lines that follow and find some very useful tips on recycling mobile phones.
How To Recycle Your Old Cell Phone