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Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling
Wastetech 2011
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Water Treatment Plants

Water Treatment Plants

Company: Thermal System's

We have, for our customers, technologically advanced Water Treatment Plants that can easily treat and purify both ground and surface water. They help in softening as well as de-mineralizing water by unwanted minerals like iron and manganese f...

Water Softener Plants

Water Softener Plants

Company: Thermal System's

We also manufacture for our customers, Water Softener Plants that are based on Ion Exchange technology. Making use of sodium form resin, these soft water plants or water softener systems can easily and effectively remove calcium & magnesium hardn...


  • Active Char Products Private Limited
  • Fantek
  • Analyse Instrument Co. Pvt Ltd.
  • Sri Audhi Lakshmi Industries
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling
Chokhavatia Associates
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling