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Times Resource INDIA  Expo 2011
Project Report - E waste Recycling

1995 - Anama Energies Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly known as Anama Consultants - 1991) stepped into the business area, dedicated to Steam, Gas and Liquid fuel-based Cogeneration and Trigeneration.

Anama has carved a niche for itself in providing customized cogeneration solutions for the customers who use Steam, Electricity, Air-conditioning and Chilling. With its Gas engine and CHP (Combined Heat & Power) module it can now offer electricity @ 1.1 Rs/ unit (as against 4 or 5 Rs./kW from State Electricity Board) to the customers who have access to Natural gas, Bio-gas or LPG and can utilize heat (which can be in the form of steam, hot water, oil or hot air), air-conditioning & chilling. It can also provide electricity almost free of cost by replacing existing PRV with its Steam Turbine-Generator sets, without disturbing the existing steam utility in process.

Additionally Anama can also offer complete integrated solutions to their customers who have potential to generate biogas (where biodegradable Organic Wastes is present) and their Biogas gas engine and combined heat and power module can now offer Electricity, Heat (Which can be in the form of steam, hot water, oil or hot air), Airconditioning and Chilling. Anama can also offer solutions for biogas generation plant and biogas scrubbing and treatment plant.

In other words Anama can offer complete Power and Heat solutions for steam, natural gas and Biogas users.

Additionally Anama has also ventured in to area of providing parts and services for users of large frame (GE) gas turbines.


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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Nanubhai Mavjibhai Patel - Category
Project Report - E waste Recycling