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Wastetech 2011
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IACS is a Delhi based emerging enterprise in the field of Industrial Ventilation and Air Pollution Control System. We have been providing services & solutions since 2005 to various esteemed customers in NCR & North India. Our activities involve Conceptualization, Designing, Fabrication, Installation and Site-fitting of various solution oriented equipments and machinery to a particular problem. Our product range has been completely developed in-house.

We fabricate only customized products after thorough study of the problem faced by any party by site visit and discussion about the process with the party. Thereby we ensure energy efficiency and economic design with perfect fit at site. We give adequate attention to all the four components of an Air Pollution Control System i.e. Hood, Ducting, Control Device & Blower-Motor assembly. We fabricate all the components in house at our works in Delhi.

Our Products and Equipments automatically comply with the norms & regulations of the Indian Pollution Control authorities.


  • VAG-Valves (India) Private Limited
  • Prerana Laboratories
  • A & N Technologies
  • Patels Airtemp (India) Ltd
  • Active Char Products Private Limited
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