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Chokhavatia Associates
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling

SYSTEM S&Pâ, Germany, is a Company with extensive experience in design manufacturing, installation and operation of Environment Technologies and providing compact pre-engineered package wastewater treatment to households, municipals, industrial projects and farms, since its establishment in 1983. 

LVK Enviro Consultants, Chennai, are technical representatives of SYSTEM S&P®, have high working standards and is consistently aiming to ensure entire satisfaction of the customer by providing total water management solutions and executing high quality systems.

We provide RBC Technology (Rotating Biological Contactor) with optional post automatic disk filter system, known for its high efficiency in Biological Treatment cum reclamation. The entire product is manufactured with high quality non-corrosive materials.

The wastewater treatment /reclamation are performed in three subsequent treatment steps:

Primary Treatment: Removal of settle able solids and fibrous particles by multi-chamber pits or automatic screens.

Biological Step: Consists of series of circular (PP) disks mounted on a slowly rotating shaft. The fixed film of micro- organisms attached to the disks performs the biological treatment.

Final Clarification or Tertiary Treatment: SYSTEM S&P® Lamellar Separators effect sludge/solid and liquid separation followed by on-line dis-infection cum disk filter system.

The treated wastewater is released into receiving water bodies or further treated for reuse. The sludge is collected, stabilized and used for agriculture purposes or disposed to sludge treatment facilities.

The system is automatic and all electrical and switch controls are connected to central switch panel by SYSTEM S&P®.

These package plants can be installed in buildings, underground, rooftop or in standard containers.





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  • Rakiro Biotech Systems Pvt. Ltd
  • Indair
  • Emami Realty Limited
  • Krofta Engineering Limited
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Times Resource INDIA  Expo 2011
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