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Watertech 2011 Category
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SPAN Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (a Member of the SNC-Lavalin Group) was incorporated in 1977 and has developed into a premier consultancy organization in India. SPAN has always endeavoured to upgrade their expertise and provide the most advanced, state-of-the-art techno logy and cost effective solutions to its clients. Due to this SPAN has earned reputation and awards for engineering excellence. It provides consultancy services for full cycle of the project development from conceptualization to completion and operation and maintenance services for varied and diverse spectrum of projects.

SPAN’s activities are organized through seven technical service divisions headed by well qualified professionals with profound national and international experience. These divisions are supported by seven support divisions and regional and project offices in implementation of project. SPAN maintains an excellent quality surveillance and project monitoring team and systems, which help all the assignments handled by our various technical divisions.

Market Niches


  • Filter on (I)Pvt Ltd
  • Multichem Specialities Private Limited
  • Grosvenor Pumps (India) Pvt. Ltd.
  • Commercial, Chemical and Dev. Co
  • Venture Access
Project Report - E waste Recycling
Aquaion Technology - Waste water treatment
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