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Aquaion Technology - Waste water treatment
Times Resource INDIA  Expo 2011 corner ad01

SUPERFLO  has over the years added a wide range of products to keep pace with Industrial needs in developing innovative solutions for unique applications.

SUPERFLO through its overseas associations also provides state of Art Filtration solutions with Element less Equipment, Automatic in operation, Fine Filtration down to 0.2 microns with Back washing facility and 100% recovery of cake for certain applications etc.

Range includes single modular filters or modular filtration systems all the way across the filtration spectrum handling your filtration needs from the very coarse to the particulate in the micro filtration range. Company supplies both Standard off the Shelf Filters and Custom Designed solutions.


  • VAG-Valves (India) Private Limited
  • Sweetech Engineers
  • Viraj Electricals
  • Airvac Industries & Projects
  • Jai Solar Systems
Project Report - E waste Recycling
NM Patel filter press 2
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