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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Times Resource INDIA  Expo 2011
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In the recent years, there has been a growing appreciation on corporate social responsibility (CSR). There are different approaches to the subject and it is difficult to pinpoint holistic answers to many questions. In addition, of late, CSR has attained another aspect of Environmental Responsibility. Both the functions are now referred to as “Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility (CESR).

Facing the challenges of a deepening global recession and limited financial resources, many companies are charting a new course. As business leaders navigate this evolving terrain, they must satisfy the demands of customers, employees, investors, and governments—and develop new strategies that address the economic, social, and environmental impact of their business practices. It is necessary to define new strategies in contemporary India to align corporate environmental and social responsibility (CESR) with business strategy and manage successfully through the downturn.

Accordingly, it is proposed to organize a National Workshop-cum-Conference on CESR to focus on the

relevant issues in the Indian context, to chart out strategies and options to ensure continued forward march for

progress and sustainable development. This Proposal gives the details of the proposed workshop.

CESR Concepts,

CESR largely depends upon the aims and objectives of the organizations, as well as the environment and

communities in which they operation. For successful CESR, results, it is imperative that the corporate should

enjoy good neighborly relations in which they function. The community must perceive tangible benefits for their

social development. This, in twin, would create goodwill for the business to generate commercial benefits.

It is an alignment of business operation with environmental sustainability and social values. The business

must be committed towards social and environment concerns.

CESR is a framework of measurable corporate policies and procedures and resulting behavior designed to

benefit the workplace and, by extension, the individual, the organization and the community. It encompasses the

areas of community, diversity and inclusiveness — supply base, diversity and inclusiveness — workforce,

environment, ethics, financial responsibility, human rights, health and safety, and sustainability.

CESR cannot be defined in universal terms, as it has different meaning for developed and developing

countries. The Environment and Social responsibilities differ in context of their social cultural circumstances

and ranking in terms of Human Development Index.

CESR implies: commanding respect from the society, accountability, transparency, rationality in conduct,

mutual trust, sympathetic attitude towards social problems, and a humanitarian approach. Corporate sector’s

social concerns include ethical responsibilities and philanthropic activities.

CESR concepts are based on the ideology that mere financial investment in environment and social sectors

would not serve the holistic purpose of protection of environment, sustainable development, social equality and

poverty reduction. It is also about altering the stereotypes about doing charity or being merely philanthropic.

This will require corporate world to change people’s perspectives towards contribution of local communities in

national economic growth. Obviously, the whole task cannot be accomplished by corporate sector alone and will

demand support of Govt., NGOs and voluntary organizations.


Event Venue

G-52, Kalkaji, New DelhiG-52, Kalkaji, New Delhi
G-52, Kalkaji, New Delhi – 110 019
011-40740100, 66384100, 9999131916, 9968878959 011-26441761


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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Times Resource INDIA  Expo 2011
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