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Recent Advances in Environmental Protection - RAEP 2009 is an international conference and exhibition that aims to focus on the latest methods to protect and improve the natural environment including air, water, soil, minerals, forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife. The event is organized by Chemistry Department, St. John’s College, Agra. It will present a unique forum for national and international stakeholders to congregate and exchange information, share experiences of success in environmental protection, and discuss constraints. It will enable the delegates to upgrade their knowledge about recent advances in the field of environmental protection. RAEP 2009 will cover all the areas of environmental protection, such as Global Environmental Issues, Ecoconservation, Pollution Control, Sustainable Development, Energy Conservation, Disease Prevention, Waste Management, Ecoagriculture, Disaster Management & Forecasting, Risk Contamination and Public Education, Environmental Biotechnology, Social Issues and Environmental Legislation.