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Chokhavatia Associates
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling

E-Waste in India

Company Name : Nepra Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd - SAP

The aim of this article is to analyse the menace of electronic waste (e-waste) in India. The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) cannot be ignored and dispensed with in the contemporary era and the same requires a sound and effective strategy as well. The benefits of ICT are also accompanied with certain drawbacks and nuisances that, if ignored, may be a big threat to India’s environment. The ICT strategy of India must consider these aspects on a priority basis and the same must be an indispensable part and parcel of the Indian e-governance plan.

I. Introduction
Although, environmental pollution is said to be as old as the emergence of homo sapiens on the earth, the scientific and technological progress of man has invested him with immense power over nature and indiscriminate use of this power has resulted in endless and senseless encroachment on nature. Unfortunately, man by his failure to live in harmony with nature has brought humanity to the brink of a global environmental catastrophe. Man’s greed attacks nature, environment and ecology and wounded nature backlashes on the human future[1]. Environment protection and its preservation is today the major concern all over the world. The environment proves that all the human  activities on this earth are inter-connected. So much so that an environmental damage in the boundaries of one State has transborder ramifications. Environmental destruction and pollution has seriously threatened the human life, health and livelihood. This deleterious effect on the human beings was appreciated very soon in India and environment protection concerns can be found in the major literatures of ancient India. A great stress was laid down upon preservation and protection of the environment so that it can pass as a valuable resource from generation to generation. With the advent of industrialisation, globalisation and urbanisation and with the increase in the  population, a greater pressure on the environment was asserted. It was exploited on a speed and rate higher that its regeneration. It was felt that if human beings have to survive, the environment has to be protected on a priority
basis. At the international level, various Treaties and Conventions were adopted to regulate the misuse and exploitation of the environment. The Constitutions of many countries were amended to incorporate these changes. Various principles like Polluter Pays Principle, Precautionary Principle, etc were developed to give environment its due. The best shift was towards the concept of “Sustainable Development” that allows use of environment within tolerable limits and at the same time allowing the growing needs of development. The right to wholesome environment has been raised to the status of a Human Right and Fundamental Right. To give this benign drive a thrust, the benevolent concept of Public Interest Litigation has been used liberally in favour of environment protection. There is, however, a need to preserve and protect environment on a voluntary basis. This is expected
more from companies operating in India as they are in a better position to protect and preserve the environment. The resources, technology and expertise they possess can protect environment in its most benign form. They can anticipate possible environmental disasters and wrongs and can take a timely action. Thus, the “preventive approach” must be preferred over “curative approach” as certain environmental damages are irreversible in nature.

This is the reason why the environmental jurisprudence in India shifted from “strict liability” to “absolute liability”. The absolute liability, unlike strict liability, does not consider any exceptions that may be used to avoid liability arising out of environment damages.[2] This need of “absolute liability” originates from the use of hazardous substances for the production purposes. The same also comes into picture where these hazardous substances are otherwise dealt with other than production purposes, i.e. dismantling or recycling purposes. One such hazardous activity is the management of “e-waste”.


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Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling
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Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling