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Energy efficiency information support for the industries

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The industrial sector is one of the major consumers of energy in India and hence the best candidates on which to focus energy efficiency efforts. A number of research and development activities are carried out; technologies are developed and energy saving measures is introduced to promote energy efficiency in industries. In India, there are several industries which are not aware of or do not have access to this information. The information is also scattered. Hence, there is need for maintaining a central repository and an information support facility for industries in India. Against this backdrop, TERI with support from Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of  India, initiated a project titled  “Energy Information Support Services for the Indian Industries”. The assistance to the project is for a period of two years starting November 2006.


The objectives of the project are to provide information support services to Indian industries by collecting, collating and disseminating energy information with special focus on energy efficiency in Sugar, Fertilizer, Pulp & Paper industries. The project aimed at providing information services, viz., Virtual Reference Service; facilitate exchange of information between R&D institutes as well as various industries through developing products such as Databases of technologies, Industrial Energy Literature Abstracts among others, which could be easily made accessible to the industrial clientele using latest information and communication technologies. The project also caters to the information needs of the researchers, policy makers, students, and other users working in these fields. 

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Energy efficiency, energy,


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