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Project Report - E waste Recycling
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Project Report - E waste Recycling

Evaluation and analysis of traffic noise along bus rapid transit system corridor.

Company Name : Generic

Currently all the developing countries like India are facing threat due to vehicular noise pollution. Migration of people from rural to urban areas, expansion of cities, infrastructure development, population growth and urbanization are important factors resulting in motorization and consequent increase in levels of various urban pollution (Banerjee, 2008; Duran and Gonzalez, 2009; Mohammadi Roozbahani et al., 2009; Omidvari and Nouri, 2009). The total urban population of India has increased considerably over the past three decades, rising from 109 million in 1971 to 160 million in 1981 and then 217 million in 1991 and 285 million in 2001 (Office of the Registrar, 2001; Padam, 2001). This increase in population coupled with the increase in number of motor vehicles is showing alarming levels of traffic congestion, air pollution, and noise pollution and road accidents. Urban traffic noise is one of the most critical types of noise and normally considered more interfering than the other types of noises (Unweltbundesamt, 2000; Zannin et al., 2003). The impact of traffic noise variations on urban roads of Hong Kong has assumed alarming populations. It is high time that all the factors contributing to the traffic noise are taken into consideration. On the basis of survey data, probability distribution for each of the key factor is derived and reliability analysis of traffic noise is estimated (William and Tam, 1998). Johnson and Saunders (1968) built up a model based on the conjecture that all motor vehicles are uniformly spaced and are generating the same maximum noise. They proposed a technique to predict the statistical mean sound level L50. due to freely flowing traffic. They explained that in case of higher traffic the noise level decreases by 3 dB per doubling of distance. A technique relating the noise levels produced by traffic to the nuisance caused to people living the neighborhood. They used traffic noise index to predict the nuisance likely to be produced by a given intensity of traffic and conferred the methods for reducing this nuisance to an acceptable low figure (Langdon and Scholes, 1968). Scholes and Sargent (1971) discussed about some factors to be considered in setting standards for traffic noise and have extended discussion of possible units for depicting traffic noise levels to include the noise pollution level. Nelson and Godfrey (1974) studied the road traffic noise in rural environment. During their study they measured the traffic noise alongside 26 miles of the A66 within the Lake District National Park and in the towns of Keswick and Coker mouth and they built a 50 dB (A) L 10 contour for road traffic noise. A noise model for free flowing traffic had been proposed by Baranek and Newman.

They illustrated that propagation loss varies from 3- 4.5 dB per doubling of distance depending on the ground cover (Beranek and Newman, 1976). The road vehicles had been categorized to measure the road traffic noise. Measurements of speed, noise level and vehicles had made in road conditions ranging from fairly congested urban situations with speeds around 20 kmph to free flow on motorways with speeds over 100 kmph. They used these measurements to construct approximate vehicle noise levels and speed characteristics over the speed range 20 – 100 kmph for up to 6 vehicle categories and used as input in the TRRL computer model of traffic noise (Nelson and Piner, 1977).  Samuels and Thomas (1978) learned the measurement and analysis of road noise. During their study they measured the roadside noise levels as a vehicle passes by test track under various conditions of speed, load and engine operation and so on. Gupta (1979) tried to develop relationship between the vehicular noise and stream flow parameters. They built up a relationship between the vehicular noise and stream flow parameters.

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Central pollution control board ; Federal highway administration traffic;Human health, Prediction error,Traffic noise


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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Times Resource INDIA  Expo 2011
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