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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Wastetech 2011
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Guidelines and Check-list for evaluation of MSW Landfills proposals with Information on existing landfills

Company Name : Generic


Landfilling is the ultimate disposal process for Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) management. The quantity of MSW for land disposal can be substantially reduced by setting up of waste processing facilities and recycling the waste materials as much as possible. A few Urban Local  Bodies (ULBs) have attempted to demonstrate “Zero garbage” on Municipal Solid Wastes Management (MSWM) by adopting method of recycling/reusing and processing of wastes. Still, some inert wastes are left out for disposal. It is estimated that the inert wastes for landfilling occupies 40-55% of the total wastes depending upon type of city. The landfill is an unavoidable component in MSW Management and its planning and design, construction, operation & maintenance involves technical skills and safety measures in terms of health and environmental protection. The Municipal Solid wastes (Management & Handling)  Rules, 2000 specify relevant  points with regard to site selection for proposed landfill site, facilities  requires at landfill site, specification for landfilling, pollution prevention, water quality monitoring, ambient air quality monitoring, plantation at landfill site, closure of landfill site/ post closure, etc. These specific provisions are to be implemented as per rules and need to be ensured during the planning and design stage. The adequacy and performance of these provisions are to be monitored by the regulating authorities (SPCBs/PCCs) during issue of consent/authorization. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has made an effort to bring out the present document incorporating the check-list for quick review during monitoring of the landfill facilities all stages right from planning to commission of landfill facilities. Information on a few existing/operating landfill facilities set up by the local bodies is also presented in this document for reference purpose.     


Under section 6 (3) of the MSW (M&H) Rules, 2000 State Pollution Control Board (SPCBs) or Pollution Control Committee (PCCs), shall issue authorization in Form-III to the municipal authority or an  operator of a facility within  forty-five days stipulating compliance criteria and standards as specified in Schedule II, III and IV including such other conditions, as may be necessary. SPCBs/PCCs, after the receipt of application from the municipal authority or  the operator of a facility  including landfills, shall examine the proposal taking into consideration the views  of other agencies like the State Urban Development department, the Town and Country Planning department, Air port or Air Base authority, the ground Water Board or any such other Agency prior to issuing the authorization. 


3.1  Requisites of Landfills:  

The Sl. No.6.under Schedule-II of MSW Rules, 2000 prescribes that landfilling shall be permitted to non-biodegradable, inert waste and other wastes that are not suitable either for recycling or for biological process. Landfilling shall also be carried out for residues of waste processing facilities as well as pre-processing rejects from waste processing facilities. Landfilling of mixed waste shall be avoided unless the same is found unsuitable for waste processing. Under unavoidable circumstances or till installation of alternate facilities, landfilling shall be done following proper norms. Landfill sites shall meet the specifications as given in Schedule-III. 

3.2  Specifications for landfill Sites:  

(a) Site selection:

Landfill identification shall be done by ‘Development Authorities’ for the area falling under ‘Development Authority’, otherwise it shall be done by the concerned Municipal authority. The site selection shall be done based on examination of environmental issues. The landfill site shall be planned and designed with proper documentation of a phased construction plan as well as  a closure plan. The landfill  facility shall be nearby waste processing plant or an integral part of it. The landfill site shall be designed for 20-25 years. The proposed landfill site should be away from habitation clusters, forest areas, water bodies, monuments, national Parks, Wetlands and places of important cultural, historical or religious interest. Also,  approval shall be taken  from the concerned authorities in case the landfill site is located within 20 km from the airport/airbase.  

(b) Facilities at Site:  

The landfill shall be fenced with proper gate at entrance for monitoring incoming wastes/vehicles, to prevent entry of cattle,  to keep record movement of vehicles and wastes, etc. Also, provision of weigh-bridge may be made for assessing quantum of wastes. Drinking water and other sanitary facilities and other safety measures including health check up shall be provided to workers.  

(c) Specification for land filling:  

Waste subjected to landfilling shall be compacted in thin layers to achieve maximum capacity of landfill. The disposed wastes shall be covered immediately/at the end of working day with 10 cm of soil. Prior to commencing monsoon period, an immediate soil cover of 40-65 cm thickness shall be placed  on the landfill with compaction to prevent rainwater infiltration. Proper drainage to be provided to divert run-off water from the active landfill cell. 2After completion of landfill, a final capping shall be provided with (i) a barrier of soil cover of 60 cm of clay or amended  soil withpermeability of 1X10-7 cm/sec, (ii) on top of the barrier soil layer, there shall be a drainage layer of 15 cm and (iii) on top of the drainage layer, there shall be vegetation layer of 45 cm to support natural plant growth to minimize soil erosion. 

(d) Pollution Prevention:  

In order to prevent pollution problems from landfill operation the necessary steps should be taken viz. (i) Diversion of storm water to minimize leachate generation and to avoid flooding/water logging, (ii) Construction of non-permeable linings system at the base and walls of waste disposal area against contamination from domestic hazardous wastes. The liner shall be a composite barrier having 1.5 mm HDPE or equivalent having permeability 

least than 1X10-7 cm/sec.  The water table should be at least 2 m below the base clay or amended soil barrier layer. (iii) Provision of leachate collection and treatment shall be made as per standards specified in Schedule-IV,  

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