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Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling

Guidelines on Co-processing in Cement/Power/Steel Industry

Company Name : Generic


Despite co-processing having inherent advantages, a careful approach is called for in view of hazardous nature of substances also being handled, many of which has potential to create havoc in terms of transportation, handling, storage and processing itself. Further the mechanism to be followed for co-processing hazardous wastes, has to conform to the Rules and regulations as provided for under Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008 apart from provisions in various other related Acts & Rules. Development of a standard methodology and application procedure to streamline the entire processing mechanism taking all essential safeguards along with the delivery of approvals  in a reasonable time frame prompted CPCB to formulate the guidelines.    

3.0 The hazardous wastes for co-processing need to be handled in an environmentally safe manner avoiding the possibilities of contaminating the  nearby environment and eliminate the chances of  accidents leading to environmental catastrophe. The requirements of handling, including labelling, packaging, transport and storage applicable to the hazardous wastes have been described in following sub-sections, however, these will not be applicable to other substances like tyre chips, plastic waste and other high volume low effect wastes such as phosphogypsum, red mud, slags from pyrometallurgical operations etc. not covered under the purview of the Hazardous wastes (Management and Handling & Transboundary movement) Rules, 2008: 

   Responsibilities for occupier for handling of hazardous wastes:  

“Occupier” in relation to any factory or premises, means a person who has, control over the affairs of the factory or the premises and includes in relation to any hazardous waste the person in possession of the hazardous waste. 

(i) The occupier shall take all adequate steps while handling hazardous wastes to: 

(a) Contain contaminants and prevent accidents and limit their consequences on human beings and the environment; and 

(b) Provide persons working on the site with the training, equipment and information necessary to ensure their safety. 


(i) Every person who is engaged in processing, treatment, package, storage, transportation, use, collection, conversion, offering for sale, transfer or the like of hazardous waste shall require to obtain an authorization from the State Pollution Control Board/ Pollution Control Committee. For obtaining such authorization or its renewal, the person shall make an application in Form 1 of the Rules to the State Pollution Control Board/ Pollution Control Committee. Accordingly, authorisation requirement is also applicable for cement co-processing.  

(ii) The hazardous waste shall be collected, stored or re-processed only in authorized facility / industry by the State Pollution Control Board/ Pollution Control Committee for the purpose. 


The containers must be able to withstand normal handling and retain integrity for a minimum period of six months. In general, packaging of hazardous substances must meet the following requirements: 

(i) All packaging materials including containers shall be of such strength, construction and type as not to break open or become defective during transportation.  

(ii) All packaging materials including containers shall be so packed and sealed that spillages of hazardous wastes / substances are prevented during transportation due to jerks and vibrations caused by uneven road surface.  (iii) Re-packing materials including that used for fastening must not be affected by the contents or form a dangerous combination with them.  

(iv) Packaging material should be such that there will be no significant chemical or galvanic action among any of the material in the package.  The containers when used for packaging of the hazardous wastes shall meet the following requirements: 

• Container shall be of mild steel with suitable corrosion-resistant coating and roll-on roll-off cover, which may either be handled by articulated crane or by a hook lift system comfortably for a large variety of wastes. Other modes of packaging, like collection in 22- liter plastic drums, cardboard cartons, PP and HDPE/LDPE containers etc., also work for variety of waste. However, all such container should be amenable to mechanical handling. 

• It should be leak proof. 

• In general, the containers for liquid hazardous waste should be completely closed / sealed. There should be no gas generation due to any chemical reaction within the container, and thud should be devoid of air vents.

 • Container should be covered with a solid lid or a canvas to avoid emissions of any sort including spillage, dust etc. and to minimize odour generation both at the point of loading as well as during transportation. 

• Container used for transportation of waste should be able to withstand the shock loads due to vibration effect/undulations of pavements etc. 

• Container should be easy to handle during transportation and emptying. 

• As far as possible, manual handling of containers should be minimized. Appropriate material handling equipment is to be used to load, transport and unload the containers. This equipment, lift gates and pallets. Drums should not be rolled on or off vehicles.   

• Where a two-tier or three-tier storage is envisaged the frame should have adequate strength to hold the containers. 

• One-way containers (especially 16-liter drums) are also allowed. The multi-use container should be re-useable provided it should be cleaned and free from deterioration or defects. 

• Loads are to be properly placed on vehicles. Hazardous waste containers are not to overhang, perch lean or be placed in other unstable base. Load should be secured with straps, clamps, braces or other measures to prevent movement and loss. Design of the container should be such that it can be safely accommodated on the transport vehicle. 

• Dissimilar wastes shall not be collected in the same container. Wastes shall be segregated and packed separately.  


There are two types of labelling requirements: 

(i) Labelling of individual transport containers (ranging from a pint-size to a tank); and  

(ii) Labelling of transport vehicles. 

All hazardous waste containers must be clearly marked with the contents. The marking must be irremovable, waterproof and firmly attached. Previous content labels shall be obliterated when the contents are different. Proper marking of containers is essential. Containers that contain hazardous waste shall be labelled with the words “HAZARDOUS WASTE” in Vernacular language, Hindi / English. The information on the label must include the code number of the waste, the waste type, the origin (name, address, telephone number of generator), hazardous property (e.g. flammable), and the symbol for the hazardous property (e.g. the red square with flame symbol). The label must withstand the effects of rain and sun. Labelling of containers is important for tracking the wastes from the point of generation up to the final point of disposal. The following are the requirements for labelling: 

• The label should contain the name and address of the facility occupier^, where it is being sent for co-processing i.e. labelling of container shall be provided with a general label as per Form 12 of the Rules. 

• Emergency contact phone numbers shall be prominently displayed viz; the phone number of concerned Regional Officer of the SPCB /PCC, Fire Station, Police Station and other agencies concerned. 

Explanation: As a general rule, the label has to state the origin/ generator of the waste. He / she and only he / she – is responsible and shall know, in case of any accident / spillage etc. what kind of wastes it is, what hazard may occur and which measures should be taken. The second in the line is the collector / transporter / disposer, who has to know the risk and what to do to minimize risks and hazards. 

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