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Environmental pollution is the major problem associated with rapid industrialisation, urbanisation and rise in living standards of people.  For developing countries, industrialisation was must and still this activity very much demands to build self reliant and in uplifting nation’s economy.  However, industrialisation on the other hand has also caused serious problems relating to environmental pollution.  

Therefore, wastes seem to be a by-product of growth.  The country like India can illafford to lose them as sheer waste.  On the other hand, with increasing demand for raw materials for industrial production, the non-renewable resources are dwindling day-by-day.  Therefore, efforts are to be made for controlling pollution arising out of the disposal of wastes by conversion of these unwanted wastes into utilisable raw materials for various beneficial uses. The problems relating to disposal of industrial solid waste are associated with lack of infrastructural facilities and negligence of industries to take proper safeguards.  The large and medium industries located in identified (conforming) industrial areas still have some arrangements to dispose solid waste.  However, the problem persist with small scale industries.  In number of cities and towns, small scale industries find it easy to dispose waste here and there and it makes difficult for local bodies to collect  such waste though it is not their responsibility.  In some cities, industrial, residential and commercial areas are mixed and thus  all  waste  gets  intermingled.  Therefore, it  becomes  necessary  that the local bodies along with State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) work out requisite strategy for  organising proper collection and disposal of industrial solid waste.

In order to provide guidance to the local authorities some relevant information are provided under this Chapter so that a better understanding and awareness is created.


Assessment of industrial solid waste management problem greatly varies depending on the nature of the industry, their location and mode of disposal of waste.   Further, for arriving at an appropriate solution for better management of industrial solid waste, assessment of nature of waste generated is also essential.Industries are required to collect and dispose of  their  waste  at   specific  disposal sites and such collection, treatment and disposal is required to be monitored by the concerned State  Pollution  Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control  Committee (PCC) in Union Territory. The following problems are generally encountered  in cities and towns while dealing with industrial solid waste 

· There are no specific disposal sites where industries can dispose their waste;

· Mostly, industries generating solid waste  in  city  and  town  limits  are  of  small  scale nature and even do not seek consents of SPCBs/PCCs ;

· Industries are located in non-conforming areas and as a result  they cause water and  air pollution problems besides disposing solid waste. 

· Industrial estates located in city limits do not have adequate facilities so that industries can organise their collection, treatment and disposal of liquid and solid waste;

· There is no regular interaction  between urban  local  bodies  and  SPCBs/PCCs  to deal  such issues relating to treatment and disposal of waste and  issuance  of  licenses in non-conforming areas.

Management of Industrial Solid Waste (ISW) is not the responsibility of local bodies.  Industries generating solid waste have to manage such waste by themselves and are required to seek authorisations from respective State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) under relevant rules.  However, through joint efforts of SPCBs, local bodies and the industries, a mechanism could be evolved for better management.

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