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Quantity of treated water that can be disposed and safe disposal methods

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Quantity of treated water that can be disposed and safe disposal methods

1. The maximum permissible quantity of treated waste water that can be disposed outside the site limits is as follows 


  •  25% where a waste water treatment system is installed
  •  20% where a grey water treatment system is installed


2. Treated unused waste water should not be disposed on to the road. It has to be disposed directly into one of the following

A. On ground for ground water recharge

B. For irrigating nearby community parks or agricultural areas.

C. Construction activities where required water quality is achieved

D. A sewer line

E. A storm water drain

F. A lake, stream, pond or other surface water bodies

3. Treated waste water that is disposed had to meet the appropriate water quality requirement as defined by the CPCB. 

4. All large developments (>50 acre site area) must adhere to ‘Zero discharge’ of treated wastewater outside site limits (Details provided in Guidance Notes of Sew Gn 1 Guideline)

Why is this required?

In existing residential buildings, due to lack of finances or plumbing design, the house owners are unable to use the treated waste water. The non-residential buildings also are installed with STPs for compliance purpose but all the treated waste water is not reused and is getting discharged out of the site. As regards this, there is a need to outline options at individual and neighbourhood level for the safe disposal of treated wastewater to improve local ground water recharge potential and its reuse for other non-household purposes.In new buildings also due to lack of awareness, it is observed that the STPs are installed but treated sewage is not effectively reused, rather it is disposed off into nearby drains etc. The different reuse options using appropriate grey water and wastewater systems are outlined in Sew Gn 1 Guideline, but however, in case of further available treated wastewater, options for its safe disposal have to be outlined. Under the present scenario in Hyderabad, the unused treated wastewater is either directly discharged into open nallas or left on to the vacant sites in the vicinity, which again gets mixed with untreated wastewater. It is noted that the sewerage network coverage on old MCH area is about 70% and other areas is about 20%. Hence, this is leading to contamination of lakes/water bodies, effecting ground water quality and also leading to severe health issues.  

In many circumstances, even if all the generated grey water and wastewater is treated, its effective reuse for different purposes is not possible due to the lack of enough landscape areas, building level complexities etc. The current scenario in Hyderabad clearly shows that only the MCH area, Uppal Municipality, L.B. nagar municipality have greater than 50% sewerage network coverage. The other municipalities like Qutubullaur, Kukatpalli, Alwal, Malkajgiri and Kapra in the north while Rajendranagar municipality in the south have a network coverage between 10 and 50% while rest of the HMDA area has no sewerage at all and depend either on septic tanks or openly discharge waste.Henceforth, there is a need for outlining different ways of its safe disposal or reuse for out of site irrigation activities, construction purposes by meeting the quality limits and any other purposes.

How is it beneficial?


  • Recycling and reuse of maximum quantity of treated wastewater on-site will help in reducing the use of ‘potable water (water supplied by HMWSSB or bore well water)’ for various nonpotable water uses like landscaping, external cleaning, vehicle washing, WC flushing, AC cooling towers etc.
  •  Effective micro level disposal of treated wastewater vide application on land for irrigation would help in enhancing plant growth and also local ground water recharge potential.
  •  Safe disposal of the treated wastewater into lakes/ponds in the local vicinity would increase its water levels, enhance the recharge potential, nutrient water for growth of aquatic flora & fauna in water bodies, etc.
  •  By treating the wastewater upto the required standards, can be effectively used during building construction activity, thereby reducing the withdrawal of ground water for the same.
  •  By disposing the treated wastewater in the above-outlined options would avoid the discharge into open nallas, which as observed is chocked due to various developmental activities.
  •  Would avoid in accumulation of discharged wastewater in low lying areas, thereby leading to mosquito breeding and various water borne diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, typhoid, etc.



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