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Renewable Energy in India Programmes and Case Studies

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Renewable energy sector growth in India during the last four years has been significant, even for electricity generation from renewable sources.   The grid connected systems with installed capacities in the MW range indicate a growth of 96% for wind power, 26% in small hydro, 234% for biomass/co-generation power and 200% for solar photovoltaic power.  Even for the decentralized systems, the growth for solar home lighting systems has been 300%, solar lanterns 99% and solar photovoltaic water pumps 196%. This is a phenomenal growth in the renewable energy sector mainly for applications that were considered to be supplied only through major electricity utilities. Renewable energy systems are also being looked upon as a major application for electrification of 20,000 remote and unelectrified villages and hamlets by 2007 and all households in such villages and hamlets by 2012. 

India’s Programme Planning for Renewables

The need to increase the use of renewable energy sources for sustainable energy development was recognized in the country in the early 70s.  A significant thrust has been given to the research, development and induction of renewable energy technologies in different sectors.  To begin with, these endeavours were steered and overseen by the Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE). The Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources was created in the Ministry of Energy and entrusted with the charge of promoting non-conventional energy sources.  In 1992, DNES was upgraded and it started functioning as a separate Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES).

The Ministry takes care of the following specific items:

  • Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE);
  •  Solar energy including solar photovoltaic devices and theirdevelopment, production and applications;
  •  Research and development of biogas and programmes relating to biogas units.
  •  Programme relating to improved wood stoves and research and development thereof;
  •  All matters relating to small/mini/micro hydel projects of and below 25 MW capacity;
  •  Research and development of other non-conventional/renewable sources of energy and programmes relating thereof;
  •  Integrated Rural Energy Programme (IREP);
  •  Soft funding for renewable energy systems through Indian

Renewable Energy Development Agency;

  • The Commission for Additional Sources of Energy was established in 1981 and has the following responsibilities:-
  •  Formulating policies and programmes for the development of new and renewable sources of energy.
  •  Co-ordinating and intensifying research and development activities in new and renewable sources of energy.
  •  Ensuring implementation of Government’s policies in regard to all matters concerning new and renewable sources of energy.
Functional Groups
  • The Ministry is broadly organized into six Functional Groups dealing with ‘Rural Energy’, ‘Power from Renewables’, ‘Energy from Urban and Industrial Wastes’, ‘New Technologies’ and ‘Administration and Coordination’. 

Related Work

renewable energy prgrammes, solar, photovoltaic, wind, biomass


  • ERA Hydro - Biotech Energy Private Ltd
  • Sukasree Environ Solutions
  • Grasim Industries Limited (Cement Business Marketing)
  • VAG-Valves (India) Private Limited
  • Polucon Projects India Private Limited
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