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Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling
Times Resource INDIA  Expo 2011
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling

The environmental impact of e-waste

Company Name : Generic

1. Introduction

1.1. Research questions 

Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE or e-waste) is “the fastest growing waste stream in the world”, containing very hazardous materials. That is why the handling of it is a question about health and environmental protection. Some states are facing an alarming toxic waste problem. But where are these problems located? Who generates the waste and whose health and direct environment is deteriorated by its hazardous components? 

The aim of this paper is to show the environmental impact of e-waste in an international comparison. Since there is no possibility to collect data showing the total environmental damage generated by e-waste, a focus on a specific and countable impact is needed. Therefore  this study deals exemplarily with concentrations of dioxins (PCDDs) and furans (PCDFs) in different mediums.                               

Electrical and electronic devices are for the most part luxury goods, often a kind of status symbol. A connection between  economic prosperity  and the sale of new equipment is obvious. The question which is discussed in this paper is if there is also a connection between prosperity and the environmental impact of e-waste. To find the answer, the theory of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) is applied. A special focus is set on the situation in India, because here we can find a fastgrowing market for EEE as well as a special recycling situation which makes the problem discussed in this paper even more significant. 

1.2. Hypotheses 

The use of the Environmental Kuznets Curve shows that there is an expected connection between the environmental impact of e-waste and prosperity, described by the GDP per capita. A connection which shows – graphically represented – an inverted U-curve, the typical Kuznets Curve, is unlikely. However if you view the theory as ČIEGIS does, as a “hypothesis on the interrelation between economic growth and environmental quality” you can still apply it. The second assumption is that environmental loss induced by WEEE is not located in the industrialized and wealthy states, where most of the e-waste is generated. Therefore, another indicator for the environmental impact, other than the generation of e-waste, had to be found. The concentration of dioxins and furans should be a proper one.

1.3. Composition of this paper 

Firstly, the theory of  the Environmental Kuznets Curve should be introduced and adumbrated briefly. The methodology will then be described with a focus on the question “How to do an EKC for e-waste?”. A description of the e-waste problem, the toxicity of e-waste and the connection between e-waste and dioxins and furans will follow in chapter three. In chapter four PCDDs and PCDFs shall be presented and afterwards used to construct an EKC for the environmental impact of e-waste. To acquire the problem at large the dioxin and furan sources apart from e-waste will be shown for three exemplary countries. A conclusion and a forecast as well as some critical notations will close the paper. 

2.  An Environmental Kuznets Curve for e-waste?

2.1. Environmental Kuznets Curve – an introduction 

The Environmental Kuznets Curve is related to the Kuznets Curve, implemented by SIMON KUZNETS 1955. In his paper \"Economic Growth and Income Inequality\" he described the relationship between inequality in income distribution and income growth. It is a dynamic model showing a state with growing prosperity. First the income would be small for everybody. Then with increasing income the inequality would raise as well, that means that not all people can benefit of the economic growth at the same time. The third step shows a wealthy state with a low inequality in income distribution when the rising pros-perity reached most people. KUZNETS compared this process with an inverted Ucurve.

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