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Wastetech 2011
Project Report - E waste Recycling

WEEE / Ewaste / E-waste Value Chain in India

Company Name : Nepra Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd - SAP

A National Workshop on Electronic Waste Management” organized by CPCB/

MoEF/ EMPA / GTZ in New Delhi during March, 2004 emphasized urgency of micro

level intervention to tackle the potential problem of e-waste in India. National level

study for a “Rapid Assessment” in the major WEEE ( Waste electrical and electronic

equipments) producing regions / cities of India was also recommended to be


A National Working Group was formed in July 2004, headed by Chairman CPCB

and consisting of officials/ representatives of MoEF, CPCB, Ministry of IT, regulatory

agencies (representatives of SPCBs), NGOs, Industry Associations/Industry (MAIT,

TEMA, CETMA, ELCINA, CII), experts in the field and producers both formal &

informal. The mandate of the working group was to identify, plan and implement the

recommendation related to e-waste handling and management in India. Initiatives taken

by working group included planning for inventorization of e-waste in India. This National

level study was also proposed to be sponsored by MoEF/CPCB/ EMPA / GTZ for ewaste

assessment. Member Secretary MPCB is also nominated as the Member of the

special committee appointed by CPCB on e-waste management.

The objective of the Rapid WEEE Assessment is to identify and quantify the

WEEE generation, reuse, recycle and final disposal in different cities in India, adopting

uniform approach and methodology. The main objective as follows:

The goal of this study is the qualitative & quantitative analysis of WEEE recycling

system in Mumbai Metropolitan Region. The main objectives of this study are as


• To examine the existing WEEE recycling system

• To study the problems/risks posed by the recycling system at present/ future

• To estimate the existing and future quantity of WEEE in the city (study area)

• To evaluate the capacities/capabilities of existing stakeholders and infrastructure

for reuse, recycle and disposal of e-wastes

• To analyze the environmental and social sustainability of present system

• To determine the e-trade economics

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WEEE, E-waste, Ewaste, recycling, environexchange, environxchange


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