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Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling
Rakiro biotech 1m
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Impact of heavy metal contamination of Bellandur Lake on soil and cultivated vegetation

Company: Generic

THE problem of environmental pollution due to toxic metals has begun to cause concern now in most major metropolitan cities. The toxic heavy metals entering the ecosystem may lead to geoaccumulation, bioaccumulation and biomagnification. Heav...


Company: Generic

Environmental pollution is the major problem associated with rapid industrialisation, urbanisation and rise in living standards of people. For developing countries, industrialisation was must and still this activity very much demands to...

Information Resources and Systems for Disaster Management.

Company: Generic

Introduction Disaster is a catastrophic disruption of life in a society caused by nature or a man made situation. Disasters can be of the type where th...


Company: Generic

The most important procedural innovation for environmental jurisprudence has been the relaxation of traditional process of standing in the Court and introducing the concept of Public Interest Litigation (PIL).11 Until the early 1970s, litigat...


Company: Generic

PROMOTION AND IMPEMENTATION OF BIOGAS TECHNOLOGY IN INDIA India took a big leap foreword in the promotion of renewable energy, especially the two most appropriate rural based technologies, namely, biogas and smokeless & efficient b...

Indoor Air Pollution

Company: Generic

Access to modern energy sources has been described as a “necessary, although not sufficient, requirement for economic and social development” (IEA 2002). It is, therefore, of great concern that almost half the world’s popula...

INDIA’S GHG Emissions Profile Results of Five Climate Modelling Studies

Company: Generic

The international debate on climate change is influenced to a significant extent by studies that estimate the GHG emissions trajectories of the major economies of the world. These studies are based on detailed energy-economy models that proje...

India: Addressing Energy Security And Climate Change

Company: Generic

Poverty reduction and economic growth are the prime objectives of national policy. Energy is the sine qua non of development. India, with over a billion people, today only produces 660 billion KWh of electricity and over 600 million Indians, ...

Impact of Municipal Solid Waste on Environment & Health

Impact of Municipal Solid Waste on Environment & Health

Company: Generic

Solid Wastes include – Garbage (food wastes) Rubbish ( paper, plastics, wood, metal, throw away containers, glass). Demolition products (bricks, masonry, pipes). Sewage treatment residue (sludge and solid...

Incorporating cleaner production and environmental management systems in environmental science education at the University of Girona

Incorporating cleaner production and environmental management systems in environmental science education at the University of Girona

Company: national institute of technology Surat(SVNIT)

The field of environmental science and engineering is rapidly evolving. The focus has shifted more and more from the end-of-pipe to pollution-prevention oriented strategies for sustainability. Cleaner production requires new attitudes, knowledge and ...


  • VAG-Valves (India) Private Limited
  • Emami Realty Limited
  • Zachariah Consultants
  • Patels Airtemp (India) Ltd
  • Idiom Design And Consulting Ltd
Project Report - E waste Recycling
Rakiro biotech 1m
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling