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Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling

Renewable Energy in the Sundarbans Log in to see contact details

The 54 islands that comprise the Sundarbans are today highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. However, the success of the renewable energy programme, which was initiated in the islands in the early 1990s, has been so remarkable that the Sundarbans may be considered a rather unique hub of stand-alone renewable energy systems. Renewable energy in the Sundarbans provides a detailed insight into this programme. Beginning with the conceptual stage, the book goes on to describe the programme in its entirety, aided by interviews and visuals

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Book Author & Publisher: S P Gonchaudhuriteri press
Publish Date : 01st Jan 2007

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It has been authored by technocrats, researchers, students, renewable energy entrepreneurs, reporters, and professional writers. Written in a succinct and pithy style, the book is aimed at students as well as non-specialist readers.


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