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Project Report - E waste Recycling



Bio diesel refers to a vegetable oil or animal fat based diesel fuel consisting of long-chain alkyl (methyl, propyl or ethyl) esters. Bio diesel is typically made by chemically-reacting lipids, some examples would be vegetable oil, animal fat and alcohol. It is meant to be used in standard diesel engines and is distinguished from the vegetable and waste oils used to fuel converted diesel engines. 


The diesel engine works similarly to a gasoline engine, however instead of using a spark for ignition as the gasoline engine uses a spark plug , the diesel engine ignites the fuel on compression only. Remember Boyle’s Law? Boyle’s law states that pressure and volume are inversely related. A decrease in volume will lead to an increase in pressure, which would also lead to an increase in temperature. The way a diesel works is simple. The engine sucks air into the cylinder (cylinder-where combustion takes place and pushes the piston down which in return rotates the crankshaft) by the down stroke of the piston.




  1. Diesel engines in general are more fuel efficient than gasoline engines
  2. Recycles fryalator waste oil from restaurants.
  3. About half of the biodiesel being used comes from restaurants recycled frying oil
  4. There is about an 80 to 90% reduction in emissions over regular petroleum diesel
  5. Not much needs to be done to convert a diesel engine to run off vegetable oil because the inventor of the diesel engine originally designed it to run off of peanut oil.
  6. Biodiesel exhaust gases contain zero sulfur and far less carbon than petroleum diesel
  7. If we could rely 100% on bio diesel we could cut back on offshore drilling and also eliminate other environmental hazards that go along with petroleum products
  8. Saves money on fuel costs.


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Project Report - E waste Recycling