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Cold Plasma

The non-thermal plasma technology used by APP follow the same principles as those of a self-cleansing atmosphere, only at a much faster rate, where processing that naturally take days are reduced to sub seconds in a direct plasma reactor. The non-thermal plasma system adds force to these events by creating more of the main constituents of the chains, e.g. ozone, hydroxyl-radicals and peroxy-radicals. For difficult emissions, a polishing stage could be added, and preferably one that follows along the same kind of philosophy as the non-thermal plasma. It is a dry method, has a rather small footprint and is cost-efficient. One such add-on would be a UV-system (Ultra Violet Radiation), which works synergistically with Cold Plasma. In the plasma zone molecules are bombarded by electrons creating ions and charged material. The primary created ions may generate secondary radicals, of which oxygen atom radials and hydroxyl radicals (HOx) are the most important.   Further, the initial ions may also self- decompose, or work as a nucleation centre for creating condensates. Even more important, if the emission passes directly through the reaction zone of the plasma reactor, it may function as an electrostatic precipitator. In short, such a plasma system will boost the natural chemistry by generation of radicals, and it can actively precipitate charged condensates. In other words, a direct non-thermal plasma system works as a “turbo-atmosphere” where removal of chemistry is enhanced and works by natural means.

provides an extremly compact solution for cleaning both ODOUR and harmful PARTICULATE MATTER from industrial emissions. The APP corona discharge chambers create an intensive COLD PLASMA ZONE (reaction zone) where direct ionization and non-thermal oxidization of the emission takes place. The same slow natural processes that clean the air in our atmosphere are accelerated within the reaction zone to occur within less than a second. The odour control system is well proven and has been installed in many different industrial applications all around the world. Comparing this technology with other more conventional solutions, the operating cost using this technology is extremely low. The only consumable is electricity (between 10kW and 20kW per 20.000 cubic meter of emission). The technology from APP is the ONLY direct cold plasma available world wide. Other cold plasma solutions are in-direct and in fact ozon generators.



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