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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Times Resource INDIA  Expo 2011
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling

Waste Water Recycling


Reclaimed water, sometimes called recycled water, is former wastewater (sewage) that has been treated to remove solids and certain impurities, and then used in sustainable landscaping irrigation or to recharge groundwater aquifers. This is done for sustainability and water conservation, rather than discharging the treated wastewater to surface waters such as rivers and oceans.

The recycling and recharging is often done by using the treated wastewater for designated municipal sustainable gardening irrigation applications. In most locations, it is intended to be only used for nonpotable uses, such as irrigation, dust control, and fire suppression. 

The cost of reclaimed water exceeds that of potable water in many regions of the world, where a fresh water supply is plentiful. However, reclaimed water is usually sold to citizens at a cheaper rate to encourage its use. As fresh water supplies become limited from distribution costs, increased population demands, or climate change reducing sources, the cost ratios will evolve also.


Using reclaimed water for non-potable uses saves potable water for drinking, since less potable water will be used for non-potable uses.


It sometimes contains higher levels of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and oxygen which may somewhat help fertilize garden and agricultural plants when used for irrigation.


The usage of water reclamation decreases the pollution sent to sensitive environments. It can also enhance wetlands, which benefits the wildlife depending on that eco-system. For instance, The San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant instituted a water recycling program to protect the San Francisco Bay area's natural salt water marshes.




Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling
Rakiro biotech 1m
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