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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Times Resource INDIA  Expo 2011
Project Report - E waste Recycling



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Nokia launches e-waste management initiative

Nokia launches e-waste management initiative

31st Dec 2008 - http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/nokia-launches-e-waste-management-initiative/52056/on

To promote recycling of electronic waste, Nokia India will launch a campaign where customers can drop their old handset in the company's stores and win gifts. Mobile phone users can dispose their used handsets and accessories like chargers at any of...

NERA and Crowdcast SBI Launch Clean Energy Exchange

NERA and Crowdcast SBI Launch Clean Energy Exchange

11th Jun 2010 - http://www.goodcleantech.com/2010/06/nera_and_crowdcast_sbi_launch.php

Looking for reliable predictions about the future of clean energy? Good luck! Depending on where you look, you'll learn that by 2050 we'll be depending on solar, wind, osmotic, tidal, and/or algal power... in some combination. Economic consulting fir...

Not what the doc ordered

Not what the doc ordered

24th Apr 2010 - http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Not-what-the-doc-ordered-/articleshow/5851994.cms

Ironical as it may seem, India has been struggling to master the simple colour coding even 10 years after it was first devised to hygienically manage hospital waste. Hospitals and nursing homes across India have not yet learnt that discarded medicine...

Nagaland lacks facilities to treat bio-medical waste

Nagaland lacks facilities to treat bio-medical waste

07th May 2010 - http://www.morungexpress.com

Dimapur, May 7 (MExN): A workshop on Bio-medical Waste Management was held at Nagaland Pollution Control Board (NPCB), Conference Hall, and Signal Point Dimapur to sensitize the hazards of bio-medical waste. The Chairman of NPCB A. Rongsenwati Ao, ...

New Boreal Forest Biomass Maps Produced from Radar Satellite Data

New Boreal Forest Biomass Maps Produced from Radar Satellite Data

26th Mar 2010 - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100325102405.htm

Having a large-scale boreal forest biomass inventory would allow scientists to understand better the carbon cycle and to predict more accurately Earth's future climate. However, obtaining these maps has been wrought with difficulty -- until now. A ne...

Nanotech Energy Source Discovered

Nanotech Energy Source Discovered

16th Mar 2010 - http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/tech-mainmenu-30/energy/3133-nanotech-energy-source-discovered

Researchers have found a way to produce large amounts of electricity from tiny cylinders made from carbon atoms. The achievement could replace decades-old methods of generating electricity, such as combustion engines and turbines, the researchers sa...

New 'Smart' Roof Reads the Thermometer, Saves Energy in Hot and Cold Climates

New 'Smart' Roof Reads the Thermometer, Saves Energy in Hot and Cold Climates

31st Mar 2010 - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100321203506.htm

Scientists reported the development of a "smart" roof coating, made from waste cooking oil from fast food restaurants, that can "read" a thermometer. The coating automatically switches roles, reflecting or transmitting solar heat, when the outdoor te...

Now, armed forces take to green energy, conservation

Now, armed forces take to green energy, conservation

19th Mar 2010 - http://www.financialexpress.com/news/now-armed-forces-take-to-green-energy-conservation/592688/

The armed forces have taken a major initiative towards adopting energy efficiency and conservation in operations and cantonment complexes. The armed forces now need not carry the heavy batteries, instead the Army is planning to replace dry and wet ba...

New website breathes life into renewables and energy efficiency statistics

New website breathes life into renewables and energy efficiency statistics

19th Mar 2010 - http://www.renewableenergymagazine.com/paginas/Contenidosecciones.asp?ID=14&Cod=5103&Nombre=RSS

Two of Europe’s leading renewables organisations, REEEP and REN21, have developed a new animation tool within its reegle platform for visualising trends in European countries over time. Users of reegle, the specialist search engine for renewabl...


  • Jet Fibre Pumps & Equipments Pvt. Ltd
  • Green Infra Project Pvt Ltd
  • Emami Realty Limited
  • FAFS Industrial Filters & Filteration System
  • ERA Hydro - Biotech Energy Private Ltd
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling
Wastetech 2011
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling