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Project Report - E waste Recycling



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E-waste everywhere, not enough to treat

E-waste everywhere, not enough to treat

05th Jun 2010 - Business Standard

It's a bit of an obvious thing to do, but Attero Recycling has its plant in a green building. About 10 kilometres from Roorkee on the road to Dehradun, it is difficult to miss. As we reach the gates, a security guard stops our car and says n...

Draft E-waste Rule is Progressive and Inclusive: Greenpeace

Draft E-waste Rule is Progressive and Inclusive: Greenpeace

25th May 2010 - http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/draft-e-waste-rule-is-progressiveinclusive-greenpeace/396006/

Greenpeace today called for a swift adoption of the Draft E-Waste (Management & Handling) Rule, 2010 by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) and said that it was by far the most progressive and fundamentally robust framework cre...

E-waste volumes on the rise

E-waste volumes on the rise

14th Oct 2008 - http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/e-waste-volumesthe-rise/337251/

India is gradually becoming the favourite dumping ground for all sorts of hazardous electronic waste (e-waste) coming mainly from developed countries like USA, Europe and Canada due to lack of proper framework and enviromental regulations. One of th...

By 2020 India’s e-waste from old computers will jump 500%

By 2020 India’s e-waste from old computers will jump 500%

22nd Feb 2010 - http://www.livemint.com/2010/02/22163815/By-2020-India8217s-ewaste.html

A Unep report released in Bali on Monday predicted that by 2020, e-waste from computers would grow by up to 400% from 2007 levels in China and South Africa, Bangalore: Standing by heaps of desktop computers, many of which display thei...

First Kyoto Protocol Emission Credits Generated by Honduras

First Kyoto Protocol Emission Credits Generated by Honduras

20th Oct 2005 - http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/oct2005/2005-10-20-01.html

BONN, Germany, October 20, 2005 (ENS) - Two hydroelectric power projects in Honduras today became the first facilities to generate certified emission reductions under the Kyoto Protocol. The hydroelectric projects, which do not emit greenhouse gases,...

huge opportunities foreseen in photovolatics value chain

huge opportunities foreseen in photovolatics value chain

13th Apr 2010 - Chemical Weekly

Renewable energy sources are expected cover more than half of the world's energy demand by mid of this century and solar energy is likely to be a key contributor.According to the European photovolatic industries as sociation ,the market for sol...


  • Tesla Environmental Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd.
  • Jet Fibre Pumps & Equipments Pvt. Ltd
  • Superior Products International, Inc
  • Analyse Instrument Co. Pvt Ltd.
  • Rakiro Biotech Systems Pvt. Ltd
Project Report - E waste Recycling
NMPatel membrane filter press
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