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SEARCH over, time for celebration

SEARCH over, time for celebration

10th Apr 2010 - http://www.thehindu.com/2010/04/10/stories/2010041062870200.htm

NEW DELHI: Project SEARCH (Sensitization, Education and Awareness on Recycling for Cleaner Habitat), an initiative organized by The Energy and Resources Institute in collaboration with Tetra Pak India, to raise awareness regarding environment and rec...

Sri Lanka plans $230mn waste energy plant

Sri Lanka plans $230mn waste energy plant

07th Apr 2010 - http://www.lankabusinessonline.com/fullstory.php?nid=805903465

Apr 07, 2010 (LBO) - A Malaysian-Bahraini joint venture, Orizon Renewable Energy, plans to invest 230 million US dollars in Sri Lanka to set up a power plant that will generate energy from solid waste, the investment promotion agency said. The Board...

Solar power scheme draws Rs 2.29-lakh cr proposals

Solar power scheme draws Rs 2.29-lakh cr proposals

15th Apr 2010 - http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2010/04/15/stories/2010041556760100.htm

India's Special Incentive Package Scheme (SIPS), aimed at galvanising investments in semiconductor fabs, ecosystem units and solar PV projects, has attracted 26 proposals, together worth more than Rs 2,29,000 crore. The ambitious scheme — the G...

Solar PV market crosses 1-GW aided by govt.boost sops to private investments

Solar PV market crosses 1-GW aided by govt.boost sops to private investments

16th Feb 2010 - Chemical Weekly

The Indian solar photovoltaic (PV) market has come of age in the last two to three years, with the market growing from a ten-member sector to a well organized market with more than 30 world-class PV module and cell suppliers. The aggregate module pro...

Second Plant Pathway Could Improve Nutrition, Bio fuel Production

Second Plant Pathway Could Improve Nutrition, Bio fuel Production

13th Apr 2010 - Chemical Weekly

Purdue University scientists have defined a hidden second option plants have for making an essential amino acid that could be the first step in boosting plants' nutritional value and improving bio fuel production potential. The amino acid phenylalan...


  • Fibrotechniks
  • A & N Technologies
  • ERM India Pvt. Ltd.
  • AM Ozonic Pvt. Ltd
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Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling