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Top 10 most polluted places in the world

Top 10 most polluted places in the world

26th Jul 2011 - The Telegaph

The Russian region of Chelyabinsk, blighted by decades of nuclear waste dumping and accidents, has embarked on a controversial campaign to clean up its image on the internet. Here is a list of the ten most polluted places in the world. ...

Tell EPA: Coal Ash Must be Regulated as Hazardous Waste!

Tell EPA: Coal Ash Must be Regulated as Hazardous Waste!

05th May 2010 - http://action.earthjustice.org/campaign/coalash_0510

For years, power and coal companies have been freely dumping toxic coal ash into unlined landfills and unsafe ponds. Coal ash is hazardous waste from coal-fired power plants filled with dangerously high levels of arsenic, selenium, mercury and other ...

Teri & tetra park complete one year of joint project to spread awareness on recycling

Teri & tetra park complete one year of joint project to spread awareness on recycling

20th Apr 2010 - Chemical Weekly

The Energy and resources institute (TERI) in collaboration with tetra pak India P.Ltd .has completed a year on its “Project SEARCH Which is aimed at conducting awareness and sensitization drives in schools in order to instill a habit of reusi...

Tower firms go solar to save on diesel & soot

Tower firms go solar to save on diesel & soot

01st Apr 2010 - http://www.dnaindia.com/money/report_tower-firms-go-solar-to-save-on-diesel-and-soot_1365916

Mumbai: Cell phone towers would soon be running on solar energy, if the ministries of renewable energy and telecommunications have their way. The two ministries recently announced plans to get telecom tower operators to use solar power to operate the...

Targets for industry to improve energy efficiency this year

Targets for industry to improve energy efficiency this year

06th Apr 2010 - http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/targets-for-industry-to-improve-energy-efficiency-this-year/390958/

All decks are being cleared to launch by April 2011 a scheme to assign energy efficiency improvement targets to India’s most energy-intensive industrial units under the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change. Called the “Perform...

Two ‘green corridors' to come up between Delhi and Lucknow

Two ‘green corridors' to come up between Delhi and Lucknow

14th Apr 2010 - http://www.thehindu.com/2010/04/14/stories/2010041456170600.htm

NEW DELHI: In a move to provide national highways and major transport corridors with eco-friendly fuel, Union Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas Jitin Prasada has announced that two new CNG Green Corridors will come into operation soon b...

Trading towards more renewable energy

Trading towards more renewable energy

07th Feb 2010 - Planet earth

India recently established regulations on renewable energy certificates (RECs), which are bought by businesses in order to meet statutory obligations to address the mismatch between avaibility of renewable energy.” This concept seeks to addres...


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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Chokhavatia Associates
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling