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NMPatel membrane filter press
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Larissa International is a young and effective organisation dedicated to quality exports of engineering and industrial items. It was promoted by the goodwill of MAHARASHTRA ENGINEERS & FOUNDERS, which is a noted manufacturer of soap plant Machinery and Equipment to cater to the export needs of the company.

Since its inception in 1997, it has been growing steadily and also expanding its range of products and services to cater to all the requirements of Soap, Toiletries, Detergent and Cosmetic Plants.

The steering force that propels Larissa International is Customer Satisfaction and Client Loyalty, which has motivated our customers to source most of their requirements from us. Our customers have done us proud by recommending us to others and being active partners in our growth and success.

Our dream is to bloom in the sunshine that radiates from the successful companies all over the globe and to contribute our own colour, fragrance and natural beauty to the products that these companies manufacture.


  • Sri Audhi Lakshmi Industries
  • Indair
  • Dowac Systems & Projects India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Potence Controls
  • AM Ozonic Pvt. Ltd
Project Report - E waste Recycling
Nanubhai Mavjibhai Patel - Category
Project Report - Tyre Waste Recycling