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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Watertech 2011 Category
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With a humble beginning well over a decade ago, the manner in which VENTECH has conducted itself through its expertise is a direct outcome of the professional commitment duly clubbed with technical ingenuity of the people involved in this set up and who over a period, have developed their expertise by working in Multi-national companies of repute in the field of AIR HANDLING TECHNOLOGY.

Climate Control, regulations and conditioning to the precise needs of a wide array of Industrial situations, and across differing climate zones, is both an Art and Science.Therefore,it was only logical for the promoters of the Group having adequate experience in the field to take a step into this direction.

The philosophy of treating each and every customer, his requirement and his conditions as separate and unique, and to design from scratch for each such set of parameters as opposed to the standard solutions has paid rich dividends. Creative design incorporating innovative concepts coupled with a passion for delivering only the very best, sticking to pre-determined schedules and continued after sales monitoring and upgradation back up, has been the hallmark of the total commitment to our customers. The group has separate Design and Marketing set-ups duly backed-up with fully equipped manufacturing support to cater to the varied needs of customers and in our pursuit to reach market leadership in perpetuity, and go from success to success as we expand markets across industries and geographically.

The Company, therefore , came up with dedicated services to its customers who were quite satisfied with its optimum design and competitive pricing.

It is a matter of pride for us that right from the inception, customers of high repute to whom cost was not the matter but a perfect system with a good performance was the question,opted for us. As a result, many of our customers have patronised us for AIR HANDLING SYSTEMS.

We also provide consultancy services for complete solutions to any type of air handling problems in industries.

Products manufacturing, air pollution control equipments, air pollution control systems, air handling systems, air washers products service, reappearing ...


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Nanubhai Mavjibhai Patel - Category
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