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Project Report - E waste Recycling
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Urban,Industrial and Hospital Waste Management 2011

The world market for waste, from collection to recycling, is worth around 300 billion Euros (US $410 billion) generated every year from municipal, industrial and hazardous waste.

India has registered stellar economic performances by consistently clocking GDP growth rates of 8-9 percent over the past five years. Consumption linked to per capita income has a strong relationship with the waste generation rates. With urban population increasing by 3-4% per annum, the per capita waste generation is raising by 1.3% per year. Economic growth, urbanization and industrialization resulted in generation of both municipal solid wastes and hazardous wastes in large volumes. Waste Management market in India is valued at over Rs.10 billion and is expected to touch Rs. 27 billion by 2013.

It is estimated that India produces about 42 million tonnes of municipal solid waste and 5 million tonnes of hazardous waste from industries annually out of which, nearly 20-25 per cent is collected and only less than 5 percent is scientifically treated. Apart from this, e-waste is one of the world’s fastest growing waste streams and with increased consumption of information technology and electronic products, India will soon be faced with the challenges of managing the same. Currently, an estimated 380,000 tonnes of e-waste is generated annually in India, of which 19,000 tonnes are recycled.

The Conference…

To meet the challenges of waste management for a sustainable development, the latest technologies and all possible and viable options are to be exploited for proper and safe disposal of the waste. Spreading awareness for safe disposal of waste at the source level can help in managing the waste at the treatment level.

Keeping this in mind, to provide a platform to all concerned to share their expertise and knowledge on waste management, we are, jointly with Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) as Co-organizer, organizing the 2nd national conference on "Urban, Industrial and Hospital Management" with the theme "Sustainability through Technology and Value Addition" on June 24-25, 2011 at J.B. Auditorium, Ahmedabad Management Association (AMA), Ahmedabad.

Urban,Industrial and Hospital Waste Management 2011

Event Venue

J.B.Auditorium, AMA, AhmedabadJ.B.Auditorium, AMA, Ahmedabad
79-27551931, 27551817, 27552873 79-27550452


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Project Report - E waste Recycling