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Awards for Indian Muslims last fortnight

Company Name : Generic Source : The Milli Gazette

Ms SALIHA JAMAL, a research scholar of the Department of Geography Aligarh Muslim University was awarded Professor NP Iyer young Geographer Award for the year 2010. Her research paper, 'Household Energy Used: Indoor Air Pollution and Respiratory Health in Aligarh' was adjudged the best research work in 32nd Indian Geography Congress held at Punjab University Chandigarh. Ms Saliha has won the award in 2001 also for her research work 'Indoor Air Pollution: Type of Cooking Fuel used and its impact on the Health of Women in Aligarh city' which she read at the conference held at Banaras Hindu University on the topic, 'Pollution Development and Environmental Challenges’ organised by Department of geography, Banaras Hindu University in 2001.

According to the press release of the Madhya Pradesh Urdu Academy recipients were decided by a jury in its meeting held on 27 Nov. 2010 The jury was presided by ex-MP Mr. Kailash Narayan Sarang including the chairman Dr. Basheer Badr, Vice Chairman Jafar Beg, Mr Zafar Nasim Qasim Raza, Idries Monis, Dr. Md. Nafees Taqi, Ms. Farhat Jahan, Mr. Maqbool A. Maqbool and the secretary of the Academy Nusrat Mehdi which decided the names of, Poet journalist ZAFAR SAHBAI, Mir Taqi Mir Award (All India) for creative literature, senior journalist ASHFAQ MASHHADI NADVI for All India Hakeem Oomrul Hasan Award, poet Litterateur and journalist KAUSAR SIDIQI for All India Hamid Saeed Khan Award and All India Shadan-e-Indore Award to Ms ISHRAT WAHID of Indore were announced. States level Siraj Meer Khan Sahar Award to Mr SHAKEEL GOWALIARI Basit Bhopali Award to Mr SHAN FAKHRI of Siroj Nawab Siddiq Hasan Award to Mr IQBAL GIRAMI of Khandwa, Sheri Bhopali Award to AZAM F. AJNUM of Bhopal, Shambhu Dayal Sukhan Award to Dr. OM PRABHAKAR of Devas, Jauhar Qurashi Award for satire to Mr. MUSHTAQ WAHID of Bhopal and Shifa Gowaliari Award for Young Artist QAZI MALIK NAVED were also decided. All the awardees would be facilitated in a function later.

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