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MoEF clears iron ore, coal berths for Paradip Port

Company Name : Generic Source : The Pioneer

The Union Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) has given green-signal to the port authorities to go ahead with development of deep draught iron ore and coal berths. Chairman of the Paradip Port Trust (PPT) Biplav Kumar had pursued the matter with the MoEF as the projects would facilitate handling of 12,500-DWT vessels.


The MoEF has issued orders for environmental and CRZ clearances for both the berths, which was pending with the Ministry for quite some time. The PPT was waiting for these clearances to undertake construction of a 10-MT-per-annum (MTPA) iron ore berth at a cost of `591.35 crore and a 10-MTPA coal berth at a cost of `479.01 crore on the build-operate-transfer (BOT) basis.


A fully-mechanised iron ore handling terminal will be constructed in the port in the (PPP) mode.


The MoEf’s issuing order on January 4 has stipulated 12 specific and eight general conditions and asked for strict compliance with these aspects. The Ministry has asked to make a detailed CSR plan and submit it within two weeks. The project proponent has been asked to take up a mangrove plantation/green belt in the project area. 

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