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Water potability testing system

Company Name : Rakiro Biotech Systems Pvt. Ltd

Water contaminated with bacteria is a major causeof water-borne disease in humans. Enteric diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid, paratyphoid, gastroenteritis, cholera, etc. are caused by the tiny menacesvizbacteria. Detecting these dangerous but unseen predators is quitea tough task. Normally it is the domain of thewhite coated microbiologist who works amidst sterileconditions and a lot of hush hush secrecy.No longer Modern science has now made testing soeasy and convenient.

RAKIRO BIOTECH SYSYTEMS PRIVATE LIMITEDNo laboratory! No hassles!! No hush hush secrecy!!! Just ChekNsee!

CHEKNSEE tests a group of bacteria, which are found insewage. They are present in the intestine of man andanimal and are generally accompanied by the harmfuldisease causing bacteria. CHEKNSEE helps to checkwater from all kinds of sources viz. taps, purifiers,coolers, storage tanks, rivers, ponds, springs etc..This extremely simple and convenient test can be carriedout by anybody, anywhere i.e. homes, offices, factories, shops,banks, hospitals, hotels, schools, etc.

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