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We provide Boiler feed chemical , Cooling system chemical , biocide , Anti scaling chemical...
We provide service for Air monitoring & testing...
We design and supply physico-chemical treatment unit required as pretreatment or polishing treatment units. Activated Carbon Filters ...
Reinforced submerged hollow fibre membranes are employed in the filtration stage to separate purified effluent from waste compounds, providing disinfected effluent of very high quality. The unique patented design of these membranes incorporates braid...
POLUTECH RO systems employ reverse osmosis process to dematerialize water without the use of regenerant chemicals and associated waste disposal. POLUTECH LIMITED RO units are used for treating brackish water and seawater to produce potable an...
Microbes, including bacteria, cause major problems to the process industry. These are detected and estimated by conventional microbiological methods which are time consuming and expensive. BACTASLYDE affords you the freedom from the laborato...
Our experience encompasses allaspects of Hazardous waste management ranging from process engineering and waste minimisation to the design and implementation of protection / remediation programmes for air, soils, surface water and ground water...