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Thermal processes (incineration, pyrolysis, melting or vetrification) have been proposed for treating hazardous and municipal solid waste (MSW) prior to disposal. Plasma, an ionized gas resulting from an relectrical discharge, can be distinguised into high temperature plasma (a thermal equilibrium state) and fusion plasma (quasi-equilibrium plasma and non-equilibrium plasma or cold plasma). Lightning and aurora borealis are most common natural plasma observed on Earth. This review presents current status of plasma technology in treatment of non-biodegradable plastic waste.
Plasma Technology
Thermal Plasma Generators (Torches)
Thermal plasma generation can be achieved using a direct current (DC) or an alternating current (AC) electrical discharge or using a radio frequency (RF) induction or a microwave (MW) discharge. A DC arc discharge provides a high energy density and high gas flow, plasma extends beyond one of the electrodes as a plasma jet. When a sufficiently high voltage difference is applied between two electrodes placed in a gas, latter will break down into positive ions and electrons, giving rise to gas discharge.