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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Watertech 2011 Category
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Websol Energy Systems Ltd. (formerly Webel SL Energy Systems Ltd.) is a leading manufacturer of photovoltaic monocrystalline solar cells and modules in India. With a state-of-the-art integrated production facility at Falta SEZ, Sector II, Falta, West Bengal, Websol has steadfastly delivered an advanced and excellent products since 1994 – a commitment to quality that our customers worldwide have come to trust. Over the years the company has established a reputation for making highly reliable photovoltaic modules for various domestic, commercial and Industrial applications.

Websol has picked up many awards and accolades in addition to international certifications making it one of the few technologically independent manufacturers of solar cells and modules in India. Webel Solar monocrystalline PV modules are manufactured to the strictest engineering guidelines to meet the most stringent International quality standards requirement. Websol was awarded the prestigious PV GAP mark in 2005 . Webel Solar modules are approved as per IEC 61215, IEC 61730 and UL 1703 standards as well as FM requirements by various reputed institutes like Underwriters laboratories Inc , TUV Rhienland Germany, EuroTest Laboratori S.R.l Italy and CSA International Canada. Websol is also ISO 9001.2000 certified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc for Quality management Systems . These awards and certification have generated confidence in customers about the commitment of the organization for continual improvement in processes and products.

Websol modules are designed for grid and standalone Solar PV power plants, remote communication and rural electrification for the best performance under diffused Sun light . Number of PV power plants performing excellently from last 15 years built with Webel Solar Modules in domestic and international market.

To enhance its competitive edge, the company has undertaken 120 MW expansion program in 2006 . Present Capacity of the company is 42MW and this will ramp up to 60 MW by May 2011 and to 120MW by 2012 . Company has technical capability to handle up to 160 Micron thin wafers and process multiple size wafers . This expansion in capacity has increased the company’s ability to service more customers and make a wider range of products to reach out to different market segments.


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Project Report - E waste Recycling
Times Resource INDIA  Expo 2011
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