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Chokhavatia Associates
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Biogas Plant System

Company Name : Dowac Systems & Projects India Pvt. Ltd.

We offer turnkey services, technologies and consultancy services in Solid Water Treatment and management. We offer these services at a very economical price and are indeed a complete solution. The solid waste from Industrial kitchens, butchary house, segrigated bio-degradable waste of Housing colonies can be treated to get valuable bi-products such as Bio methane gas for heating and rich fertiliser. The large quantity of Biogas can be converted in to Electricity for garden lighting.


With enriching the biogas plant by using patended technology we can produce power plant from 1 MWT onwards.

Features of the plant

1. Less area requirement

2. Less time for installation

3. Less man power requirement

4. Less time required for erection of the plant

5. Plant operation iis fully automatic

5. Compare to conventional biogas power plant, the gas requirement is very less.

Biogas Plant System

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Biogas Plant System


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