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Project Report - E waste Recycling



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Improving municipal solid waste management in India

Improving municipal solid waste management in India

08th May 2008 - http://www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in/content/improving-municipal-solid-waste-management-india

Solid waste management (SWM) is a matter of great concern in the urban areas of developing countries. This report covers very lucidly the present scenario of SWM in urban areas, the system deficiencies that exist, and the steps that need to be taken ...

Innovation centres to develop clean technologies: India

Innovation centres to develop clean technologies: India

14th Dec 2009 - http://www.financialexpress.com/news/innovation-centres-to-develop-clean-technologies-india/553648/

New Delhi: The approval of India’s technology transfer proposal to establish a global network of climate innovation centres for developing and deploying clean technologies at the ongoing climate change talks in Copenhagen should cheer busines...

India embraces clean technology

India embraces clean technology

24th Jun 2008 - http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=208800512

BENGALURU, India — A clean technology special interest group has been formed here to encourage entrepreneurs in India and create an ecosystem of scientists, engineers, investors and social entrepreneurs. The group is intended to create a platf...

Indian villages in global carbon trading

Indian villages in global carbon trading

20th Jul 2004 - http://www.goodnewsindia.com/index.php/Supplement/article/385/

About two years ago when GoodNewsIndia reported that an Indian company was ready to export carbon credits, it had seemed a very savvy, avant-garde move. Now Indian villages have hurried along, ahead of many Indian corporates. A most appropriately nam...

India’s solar industry eyes huge rural opportunity

India’s solar industry eyes huge rural opportunity

13th Oct 2009 - http://cleantechindia.wordpress.com/

I heard industry leaders talk passionately about potential for solar to truly bring electricity to rural communities and catalyze grassroots social and economic development. Plenty of discussion circled around industry’s demand for adequate sup...

India to have e-waste recycling plants soon

India to have e-waste recycling plants soon

24th Sep 2005 - http://www.expressindia.com/news/fullstory.php?newsid=55274

New Delhi, September 23:The boom in IT has a negative aspect as well: e-waste. It is a major concern for the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) will soon come out with the policy on e-waste. There ar...

India's carbon credit claims to triple in 3 years: Crisil

India's carbon credit claims to triple in 3 years: Crisil

14th May 2010 - http://business.rediff.com/report/2010/may/14/indias-carbon-credit-claims-to-triple-in-3-years-says-crisil.htm

The number of carbon credits or certified emission reduction (CERs) issued for a cut in the release of greenhouse gases into the environment is set to triple in India [Images] over the next three years, due to a rising number of...

India to receive billions for clean technology innovation

India to receive billions for clean technology innovation

11th Jul 2008 - http://www.ibef.org/artdisplay.aspx?tdy=1&cat_id=60&art_id=19683

New Delhi: Addressing the 2nd India Cleantech Forum, in New Delhi, on July 10, 2008, John McCarthy, the Australian High Commissioner to India said that Australia and India were on the verge of a great economic partnership. At the same forum, ...

India opens account for trading in carbon credits , September 20

India opens account for trading in carbon credits , September 20

20th Sep 2005 - http://www.ieta.org/ieta/www/pages/index.php?IdSitePage=959

Pollution-busting carbon credits — a derivative instrument designed to scrub greenhouse gases from the earth’s atmosphere — is coming to India. Carbon credits basically seek to encourage countries to reduce their greenhou...

Indian firms shy away from trading carbon credits

Indian firms shy away from trading carbon credits

11th Sep 2009 - http://www.karmayog.org/redirect/strred.asp?docId=26070

Bangalore: India is the second largest generator of environment friendly projects for carbon emission reductions, but still the Indian companies hesitate to generate monetary benefits through trade. India comes after China in terms of generating lo...

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